$SHARD Token Allocation

In total, there will be a maximum supply of 1,500,000,000 (1.5 Billion) $SHARD tokens, although the circulating supply will be far less, as demonstrated by our token emissions model seen below which covers the first 5 years of Glass Finance. Our tokenomics model places a clear emphasis on the Mirror stakers who, as the primary users of our protocol, we have decided to dedicate 25% of the $SHARD supply to airdropping them tokens, along with 10% of the supply to LUNA stakers as we believe these devoted members of the Terra community will drive Glass Finance for years to come. We also place a large focus on the issue of team abuse, to combat this we have ensured $SHARD is resistant to such team abuse, we have decided to only release our team's 10% allocation of tokens 3 years after the release in yearly increments. Further, we will aggressively incentivise early adoption of the protocol by allocating 25% of the token supply to the users of Glass Finance, along with those providing liquidity to $SHARD Liquidity Pools. We will also ensure the longevity of Glass Finance by providing LP and Protocol Incentives over the first 5 years of the Protocol, ensuring long-term participants are rewarded for their commitment to the project. We have also elected to provide 10% of the supply to fund the Protocol Treasury, its use case will be decided by governance, such as funding more vaults for mAssets or moving Glass Finance cross-chain.

Cumulative $SHARD Token Supply (Units in Millions)

Last updated